定 價(jià):55 元
- 作者:Jack,C.Richards 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2018/8/1
- ISBN:9787544652056
- 出 版 社:上海外語教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:H09-53
- 頁碼:270
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
Jack C.Richards是世界知名第二語言和外語教學(xué)專家、應(yīng)用語言學(xué)家、教育家,曾在新西蘭、加拿大、印度尼西亞、新加坡、中國(guó)香港和美國(guó)等多個(gè)國(guó)家和地區(qū)工作,多年來致力于研究教學(xué)實(shí)踐和教師專業(yè)發(fā)展!兜诙Z言教師教育的內(nèi)容和過程(英文版)/世界知名語言學(xué)家論叢(第一輯)》收錄了作者在學(xué)術(shù)生涯中發(fā)表的關(guān)于第二語言教師教育的精品文章,集中探討了教師的身份認(rèn)同、教育信念、教學(xué)技能以及教學(xué)實(shí)踐之間的互動(dòng)關(guān)系,并闡釋了教師教育對(duì)教師專業(yè)發(fā)展的推動(dòng)作用。全書文章發(fā)表的時(shí)間跨度超過20年,集作者在語言教學(xué)與教師教育領(lǐng)域理論與實(shí)證研究之大成,為教師、教師教育者和研究人員提供了寶貴的學(xué)術(shù)資源。
This book is a collection ofarticles for the series Language Teaching and Testing-Selected Works of Renowned Applied Linguists. This series collects articles written by a number ofleading applied linguists. Each collection focuses on a specific area of research in applied linguistics. Previous books have addressed the following topics: grammar learning and teaching, vocabulary language learning and teaching, task-based language teaching, second language motivation,language testing, and writing in a second language. The aim of each book is to bring together older and more recent articles to show the development ofthe author's work over his/her lifetime. The articles are selected to address both theoretical issues relevant to a particular area of enquiry and also to discuss issues of significance to the teaching or testing of a second language (L2). As a whole, the series provides a survey of applied linguistics as this relates to language learning, language pedagogy and language testing.Each book begins with an autobiographical introduction by the author in which he/she locates the issues that have been important in his/her lifetime's work and how this work has evolved over time. The introduction also provides an outline of the author's professional career. The bulk of the book consists of chapters based on articles published over the author's lifespan. A concluding chapter draws together the various threads that have appeared in the previous chapters.Each book, then, will contain articles that cover the author's career (over thirty years in some cases). Not surprisingly there are likely to be shifts (and possibly contradictions) in the author's positioning on the issues addressed, reflecting the changes in theory and research focus that have occurred in the specific area of enquiry over a period of time. Thus, the articles will not necessarily reflecta consistent theoretical perspective. There is merit in this. Readers will be able to see how theory and research have developed. In other words, each book provides a snapshot of the kinds of developments that have occurred in the applied linguistic field under consideration,I first became aware ofjack Richards' research when I became interested in second language acquisition in the 1970s. He edited a book called \"Error Analysis\" that included his own paper on social factors and interlanguage along with a number ofother seminal papers.Jack, however, did not pursue his early work on learner errors and language learning. Instead he pursued a highly productive career in writing ELT course books and switched the focus of his academic writing from learners and learning to teachers and teaching. His interest lies in the kind of knowledge that informs the practice of teaching and,related to this, teacher's professional development.This collection of his published articles addresses issues of direct relevance to teacher education - how teacher's sense ofidentity and their beliefs aboutteaching relate to their skill as teachers and to their practical actions. It also includes proposals for how teacher education can contribute to teachers' professional development. There is no person better equipped to write about materials design in language teacher education - the final article in the book.Jack is adept at making research and theoretical ideas accessible to readers. This
book is a valuable resource for teachers, teacher educators and researchers, who are interested in why teachers teach in the way they do and what can be done to assist their development.
Chapter 1 A Career That Nearly Didn't Happen
Chapter 2 Second Language Teacher Education Today
Chapter 3 Competence and Performance in Second Language Teaching
Chapter 4 Teacher Identity in Language Teaching: Integrating Personal,Contextual, and Professional Factors (with Martha C.Pennington)
Chapter 5 Exploring Teachers' Beliefs and the Processes of Change (with Patrick B. Gallo and Willy A. Renandya)
Chapter 6 Creativity in Language Teaching
Chapter 7 Teachers' Maxims in Language Teaching
Chapter 8 Teacher Thinking and Foreign Language Teaching
Chapter 9 Teaching English through English: Proficiency, Pedagogy and Performance
Chapter 10 Teaching and Learning in the Second Language Teacher Education Course Room (with Gurmit Singh)
Chapter 11 Materials Design in Language Teacher Education: An Example from Southeast Asia