定 價:51 元
- 作者:凱茜·梅澤伊(Kathy Mezei)著
- 出版時間:2019/9/1
- ISBN:9787521311440
- 出 版 社:外語教學與研究出版社
- 中圖法分類:I561.06
- 頁碼:286頁
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16K
Introduction. Contextualizing Femirust Narratology
The Look, the Body, and the Heroine of Persuasion:
A Ferrurust-Narratological View of Jane Austen
Discourse, Gender, and Gossip:
Some Reflections on Bakht in and Emma
Who Is Speaking Here?
Free Indirect Discourse, Gender, and Authority in Emma
Parsing the Female Sentence:
The Paradox of Containment in Virginia Woolf's Narratives
Spatialization, Narrative Theory, and Virginia Woolf's
The Rhetoric of Feminist Conversation:
Virginia Woolf and the Trope of the Twist
The Terror and the Ecstasy:
The Textual Politics of Virginia Woolf's
Seismic Orgasm: Sexual Intercourse and Narrative Mearing in Mina Loy
Ironies of Politeness in Anita Brookner's Hotel du Lac
Angela Carter's New Eve(lyn):
De/En-Gendering Narrative
Queering Narratology
Susan S.Lanser
Coda. Incredulity toward Metanarrative:
Negotiating Postmoderrusm and Fenunisms
Select Bibliography on Feminist Narratology
Notes on the Contributors