當(dāng)東方遇到西方:跨國空間中的國際旅游體驗(yàn):understanding travel experience in transnational space:英文
定 價(jià):58 元
- 作者:李志 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2014/12/1
- ISBN:9787563730445
- 出 版 社:旅游教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:F590.7
- 頁碼:210
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16K
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Greater connectedness across national borders——the context of tourism and leisure in the contemporary world
1.2 Rationale for the study
1.3 The goals and the objectives of the study
1.4 The setting and the delimitations of the study
Chapter Ⅱ Tourist Experience and Identity Development
2.1 Definition of tourism
2.2 Conceptualization of tourist experience
2.3 Tourist experience and identity
2.4 Educational tourism——overseas study trips
Chapter Ⅲ Transnationafism and International Tourism
3.1 The concept of transnationalism
3.2 Theories of transnational practice
3.3 Transnational migration and transmigrants
3.4 Transnational orientations from home
3.5 Transnational experience and negotiated identities
3.6 Transnational space and international tourism
Chapter Ⅳ Leisure, Tourism, and Identity Reconsideration in the Changing China
4.1 Leisure and tourism tradition in China
4.2 Emerging leisure culture and identity in contemporary China
4.3 Development of Chinese tourism and its social significance
4.4 Summary
Chapter Ⅴ Methodology
5.1 Interpretive leisure and tourism studies
5.2 Interpretivism and the philosophical stance of this study
5.3 Data collection
5.4 Data analysis
5.5 Methods for achieving trustworthiness
Chapter Ⅵ Constructing the Transnational Space of Travel
6.1 Imagining transnational connections at home
6.2 Building transnational connections on the road
6.3 Connecting home and destination through travel
6.4 Summary
Chapter Ⅶ Locating Oneself in the Transnational Space
7.1 Living as a foreigner
7.2 Journeying as a traveler
7.3 Mapping China and being Chinese
7.4 Being reflexive as a human being
7.5 Summary
Chapter Ⅷ Discussion
8.1 Trans-euhural learning and understanding through international travel
8.2 Formation of transnational space through international travel
8.3 International travel and a renewed sense of self
Chapter Ⅸ Conclusions
9.1 Summary of major findings
9.2 Contributions of the study
9.3 Limitations of the study
9.4 Suggestions for future research
9.5 Concluding thoughts
Being a foreigner with limited English skills also limited the travelers' mobility and their ability to interact with local people during their leisure time. For instance, Zhao thought that his lack of language skills limited his enjoyment of the "fun part" of the trip, He obviously did not share Bao's feelings when it came to the "intemational" atmosphere on the UIUC campus:
Sometimes we give it a second thought before going out. Usually we ask somebody, such as the Chinese students or even their kids to accompany us.
We are sort of dependent. We cannot go out by ourselves. This is not a tourist city , so I feel the local people expect you to speak perfect English. It is not likein New York, where you hear all kinds of weird English. I felt more comfortable to open my mouth there. It would be much more fun if we could establish contact with some common American families. But it must be hard, no one wants to invite strangers who speak poor English, I guess.
The awareness of language limitations largely influenced how the travelers chose to communicate and