綜合教稗 為“提高”系列的主要分冊之一,依據(jù)《非英語專業(yè)研究生英語教學大綱》及研究生英語教學的發(fā)展進行設(shè)計和編寫,旨在通過說、讀、寫、譯相結(jié)合的教學實踐,提高研究生的語言能力、思辨能力與跨文化交際能力。本書分為上、下兩冊,配有MP3光盤與教師用書,具有以下主要特點:
Unit 1
Planning Your Future Career
Starting Out
Reading Focus: Traits of the Key Players
Reading More: Why Do We Work?
Practical Translation: 定語從句的翻譯 (1)
Focused Writing: Narrative Essays
Final Project
Unit 2
Art of the Table
Starting Out
Reading Focus: Culinary Delights in China
Reading More: A Cuisine Crisis
Practical Translation:定語從句的翻譯 (2)
Focused Writing: Descriptive Essays (1)
Final Project
Unit 3
Leisure Activities
Starting Out
Reading Focus: Why Harrys Hot?
Reading More: Europeans Just Want to Have Fun
Practical Translation: 狀語從句的翻譯
Focused Writing: Descriptive Essays (2)
Final Project
Unit 4
Love and Marriage
Starting Out
Reading Focus: Love and Loving Relationships
Reading More: The Last Chapter
Practical Translation:被動句的翻譯
Focused Writing: Expository Essays (1)
Final Project
Unit 5
Living a Healthier Life
Starting Out
Reading Focus: Yoga in America
Reading More: Stress and Health
Practical Translation: 長句的翻譯
Focused Writing: Expository Essays (2)
Final Project
Unit 6
Sanctuary or Fulfillment
Starting Out
Reading Focus: Here Is New York
Reading More: Feathers from a Thousand Li Away
Practical Translation:名詞性從句的翻譯
Focused Writing: Argumentative Essays
Final Project
Unit 7
Exploring Human Nature
Starting Out
Reading Focus: On Human Nature
Reading More: The Bum
Practical Translation: 修辭的翻譯
Focused Writing: Abstracts
Final Project
Unit 8
Smarter Transportation
Starting Out
Reading Focus: The Hidden Danger of Seat Belts
Reading More: Intelligent Transportation Systems——ITS
Practical Translation:詞匯的翻譯
Focused Writing: A Bibliography
Final Project
Unit 9
Affordable Housing
Starting Out
Reading Focus: The Housing Crisis Goes Suburban
Reading More: Is Affordable Housing Becoming an Oxymoron?
Practical Translation: 復合詞的翻譯
Focused Writing: Pr6cis or Summaries
Final Project
Unit 10
The Role of Education
Starting Out
Reading Focus: The Role of the Academy in Times of Crisis
Reading More: Americas Failure in Science Education
Practical Translation: 抽象名詞的翻譯
Focused Writing: Reports
Final Project
aut agrees. "Business success is often defined by comfort with ambiguity and risk——personal, organizational, and financial. This creates a disconnect for many scientistsbecause success in academia is really more about careful, studied research. Further,great science is often defined by how one gets to the answer as much as by the answeritself, so scientists often fall in love with the process. In a business, you need tounderstand the process, but you end up falling in love with the answer and then take arisk based on what you think that answer means to your business. Putting your neckon the line like this is a skill set that all employers look for in their best people."Another important piece of risk tolerance is a candidates degree of comfort withfailure. Failure is important because it shows that you were not afraid to take chances.So companies consistently look for candidates who can be wrong and admit it.
Everyone knows how to talk about successes——or they should if theyre in a jobsearch——but far fewer people are comfortable talking about failures, and fewer stillknow how to bring lessons and advantages back from the brink. "For my organization,a candidate needs to have comfort discussing his or her failures, and he or she needs tohave real failures, not something made up for interview day. If not, that person has nottaken enough risk." says Haut.
Trait 4: Strength in interpersonal relationships
Rick Leach is in business development for deCODE Genetics. Leach made thetransition to industry recently, on the business side of things. I asked him about thiskey trait because in his new business role, interpersonal abilities make the differencebetween success and failure. "Scientists spend their lives accumulating knowledge anddeveloping technical acumen," he says, "but working for a business requires somethingelse entirely——people skills. The scientist who is transitioning into the business worldmust prioritize his or her relationship assets above their technical assets. To suddenlybe valued and measured by your mastery of human relationships can be a very scaryproposition for a person who has been valued and measured only by his mastery ofthings," says Rick.