定 價(jià):59 元
- 作者:包世華 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2006/6/1
- ISBN:9787562924074
- 出 版 社:武漢理工大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:O3
- 頁碼:554
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16K
When time reaches to the 21 st century,strong pressures developed from many ranKs towrite a textbook of Structural Mechanics in English for Chinese undergraduates majoring 1ncivil engineering speclaity.The naissance of the book is the balance of the pressures and thereauest of WUTP,Wuhan University of Technology Press,a press in China.
In recent years, the manner of teaching technical courses in English or partially in English is strongly promoted by Chinese Ministry of Education·In the circumstancethe course of Structurral Mechanics has been taught in English or partially in English in Civil En-gineering Department of Ts’1nghua University since middle 1980s.Here,“taught in English"means that English language is employed in all teaching proceduresuch as in class,text-books and the like;whereas“taught partially in English”indicates that only Chinese lan-guage is used in class and English language is adopted in other teaching process,such astextbook,students’homework and SO on.The two teaching ways are strongly dependent onthe English oral level of the teachers.Nowadays,undergraduates learning StructuralMechanics Civil Engineering Department of Tsinghua University are grouped mto two classes,an English class and a Chinese class.In the English class,class language is English’that is。the teacher must use English to prelect and the students must read English textbooks and use English to do their homeworks;while in the Chinese class,class language is Chinese.The two teaching ways have been normalized into teaching plan of TsinghuaUniversity.
The first author of the book,Professor Bao Shihua,has been teaching Structural Mechanics partially in English in Tsinghua University since middle 1980s.The second author of the book,Prolessor Gong Yaoqing,one of Ph D students of the first author,has been teaching Structural Mechanics partially in English in Ningxia University and Henan Poly-technic University for many years.The first draft of the book has also been used in Henan P01vtechnic University.Apparently,the didactical experience has provided a bed for the ap-pearance of the book.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.1 Structures and Their Classification
1.2 Objective and Learning Method of Structural Mechanics
1.3 Analytical Models of Structures
1.4 Classification of Framed Structures
1.5 The Classification of Loads
Problems for Reflecting
CHAPTER 2 Geometric Construction Analysis of Structures
2.1 Purpose of Analyzing Geometric Construction of Structures, Stable and Unstable Structural Systems
2.2 The Concept of Degrees of Freedom and Restraints
2.3 Geometric Construction Rules of Planar Stable Framed Systems Without Redundant Restraints
2.4 Illustration of Geometric Construction Analysis
2.5 The Relationship between Static Determinacy and Geometric Construc-tion of Structures
Problems for Reflecting
Problems for Solution
CHAPTER 3 Statically Determinate Beams
3.1 The Analysis of Single Span Beams
3.2 Construction of Bending Moment Diagram By Principle of Superposition for Straight Members
3.3 The Analysis of Simply Supported Inclined Beams
3.4 The Restraint Force Calculation and Geometric Construction of Statically Determinate Multispan Beams
3.5 The Construction of Internal Force Diagrams of Statically Determinate Multispan Beams
Problems for Reflecting
Problems for Solution
CHAPTER 4 Plane Statically Determinate Rigid Frames
4.1 Geometric Construction and Characteristics of Plane Statically Determi-nate Rigid Frames
4.2 The Analyzing of Reactions for Statically Determinate Rigid Frames
4.3 Determination of Internal Forces of Member Ends by Using the Method of Sections
4.4 The Construction of Internal Force Diagrams of Statically Determinate Frames
4.5 Internal Force Diagrams of Statically Determinate Three-hinged Frames,Multispan and Multistory Frames
Problems for Reflecting
Problems for Solution
CHAPTER 5 Three Hinged Arches
5.1 The Constitution and Type of Three Hinged Arches
5.2 The Reactions of Three Hinged Arches Under the Action of Vertical Loads
5.3 The Formula for Calculating Internal Forces of Three Hinged Arches Un-der Action of Vertical Loads
5.4 Stressing Performance of Three Hinged Arches
5.5 Rational Axial Lines of Three Hinged Arches
Problems for Reflecting
Problems for Solution
CHAPTER 6 Plane Statically Determinate Trusses and Composite Struc-tures
6.1 Characteristics and Classification of Trusses
6.2 The Method of Joints
6.3 The Method of Sections
6.4 The Combination of the Method of Joints and the Method of Sections
6.5 Form and Stressing Characteristics of Girder Trusses
6.6 Composite Structures
Problems for Reflecting
Problems for Solution
CHAPTER 7 General Remarks on Statically Determinate Structures
7.1 Analytical Methods for Statically Determinate Structures
7.2 General Property of Statically Determinate Structures
7.3 Stressing Characteristics of Various Types of Structures
Problems for Solution
CHAPTER 8 Influence Lines
CHAPTER 9 Principle of Virtual Work and Displacement of Structures
CHAPTER 10 Force Method
CHAPTER 11 Displacement Method
CHAPTER 12 Method of Successive Approximations and Influence Lines
CHAPTER 13 Matrix Displacement Method
CHAPTER 14 General Remarks on Statically Indeterminate Structures
Answers to selected problems