Unit 1 Holistic Health
Text A Preventive and Holistic Health
Text B Lifestyle Changes: An Essential Part of Controlling High Blood
Text C A Baby Boomer's Guide to Maximal Health and Longevity
Text D Terminating Medical Interventions
Writing Medical Research Papers: Structure and Requirements
Unit 2 0steoporosis
Text A Osteoporosis and Risk Factors to Our Bone
Text B Preventing Osteoporosis: Beyond Milk: More Than Milk
Text C Calcium Intake Must Start Early
Text D Osteosarcoma (Osteogenic Sarcoma)
Writing Medical Research Papers:Titles
Unit 3 Gene Therapy
Text A On Gene and Gene Therapy
Text B What Is a Gene?
Text C Gene Therapy and Children
Text D Introduction to Medical Genetics
Writing Medical Research Papers: Abstracts(1)
Unit4 Parkinson's Disease
Text A Parkinson's Disease
Text B Complications of PD and Coping-Skills
Text C The Genes and People That Link to Parkinson's Disease
Text D Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
Writing Medical Research Papers:Abstracts(2)
Unit 5 Coronary Artery Disease
Text A Atherosclerosis: A Major Cause of Cardiovascular Disease
Text B Stroke
Text C Anxiety Worsens Prognosis in Patients with Coronary Artery
Text D Coronary Atherosclerosis
Writing Case Report
Unit 6 ICU
Text A A Guide to Intensive Care Unit
Text B A Day in ICU
Text C Malnutrition in the ICU
Text D Oxygen “Debt” Concept of Septic Shock
Writing History and Physical(I)
Unit 7 Modern Surgery
Text A Recent Advances in Minimal Access Surgery
Text B Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy Heralds a New Era in the Treatment of Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Text C Minimally Invasive Medicine (MIM): A New Theoretical System of Medicine
Text D Historical Background of Surgical Infection
Writing History and Physical(2)
Unit 8 Tuberculosis
Text A XDR Tuberculosis: Implications for Global Public Health
Text B TB or Not TB? A New Test for the Disease of Pharaohs
Text C Tuberculosis, Newer Strains Are Showing Up
Text D Postprimary Disease of Tuberculosis
Unit 9 Bird Flu
TextA Avian InfluenzaA(H5N1) Infection in Humans
Text B Avian Influenza: A Challenge to Global Health Care Structures
Text C Protecting Virus Offers Instant Flu Protection and Converts
Flu Infections Into Their Own Vaccines
Text D Epidemiology of Influenza
Writing Discharge Summary
Unit 10 Diabetes Mellitus
Text A Prospects for Research in Diabetes Mellitus
Text B Insulin Pumps
Text C Diabetics Cured in Stem-Cell Treatment Advance
Text D Forms of Type 1 Diabetes
Writing Rsum
Unit 11 Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Text A Cesarean Delivery and the Risk-Benefit Calculus
Text B Perinatal Mortality in Developing Countries
Text C Ectopic Pregnancy
Text D Essentials of Prenatal Care
Writing Application Letter
Unit 12 Emergency Medicine
Text A Cardiac Resuscitation
Text B The Development of Emergency Medical Services in the United States
Text C Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Text D Diagnosis of Septic Shock
Writing Personal Statement
Unit 13 AIDS
Text A HIVand AIDS
Text B One Disease, Two Epidemics——AIDS at 25
Text C Living with HIV, Dying of Cancer
Text D Epidemiol0gy of AIDS
Writing Emails
Unit 14 Cancer
Text A Translating Cancer Genomics into Clinical Oncology
Text B New Vaccines Reversing Melanoma, Leukemia, Lymphoma,
Pancreatic, Prostate Cancer
Text C Progress in Cancer Control Through Screening and Early Detection
Text D Clinicopathological Correlations of Tumour Metastasis
Writing Certificates
Unit 15 Progress in Medical Imaging
Text A Out of the Shadows——MRI and the Nobel Prize
Text B New Horizons in Oncologic Imaging
Text C Combining Molecular Imaging Technologies to Stop or Prevent
Heart Attacks
Text D Interventional Computed Tomography
Answer Key
Appendix 1 常用臨床醫(yī)學英文術語
Appendix 2 處方中常見縮略語
Appendix 3 病歷中常用縮略語
Appendix 4 檢驗中常用縮略語
Appendix 5 本書中主要縮略語
Appendix 6 國內(nèi)醫(yī)務人員稱謂
Appendix 7 國外醫(yī)院職員稱謂
Appendix 8 醫(yī)院科室名稱
Appendix 9 部分常用醫(yī)學英語網(wǎng)站
Appendix 10 常用醫(yī)學雜志及其網(wǎng)站
No one wants to suffer. Most desire freedom and happiness. Any disease or physicaldisorder can interfere with these pursuits, at least for a time. In most such circumstances weface, expectations of a rapid and full recovery provides hope and relief from the experiencedsuffering. We do not feel doomed, disabled or depressed by the washed out feeling and nasalsymptoms of a winter cold because we know we will feel better again in 4-14 days. However,when a disease becomes chronic, feelings of depression and grief from loss of health andfunction are the rule. Throw difficulty of diagnosis and treatment on top of that, and feelingsof hopelessness usually follow. These are appropriate feelings because in the instantaneous rational/tangible scheme of things, there may be nothing to have hope in. This will worsenthe depressed isolated feelings of a sufferer of a chronic disabling disease.
Now think of a disabled or chronically ill person with whom you may have come intocontact, who, despite an obvious physical limitation or incurable, possibly even fatal disease,seems to possess a positive and cheerful disposition.
How is this possible? A few weeks ago,a woman called me because she was having intestinal symptoms. At that time she soundedworried on the phone, seemingly more because she was afraid doctors in her area would notknow how to diagnose her rather than because of the symptoms per se. It turned out she hadovarian cancer. She was diagnosed less than three weeks ago. When I talked to her yesterday she sounded positive and secure. She expressed gratitude over the quality of her healthcare and the rapidity with which her diagnosis was made. Despite having to undergo chemotherapy (and already enduring one session), she displayed a positive, fighting spirit. She did not for a minute express pity or sadness about her diagnosis.