Quantum Control of MultiWave Mixing
定 價:79 元
- 作者:張彥鵬,問峰,肖敏 著
- 出版時間:2014/1/1
- ISBN:9787040391336
- 出 版 社:高等教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:TN2
- 頁碼:337
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
《多波混頻量子控制(英文版)》討論基于原子相干誘導的多能級原子系統(tǒng)中多波混頻過程頻率、時域與空域的相互作用,涉及七個方面的內容:多能級多色激光相干產(chǎn)生的共存多波混頻及相互作用;電磁感應透明介質中四波混頻與六波混頻信號的Autler Townes分裂及抑制或增強過程;Zeeman能級間多波混頻過程在頻域和空域的調制;自由空間和環(huán)形腔中共存多波混頻之間的關聯(lián)以及糾纏過程;超窄帶熒光和共存多波混頻信號的噪聲關聯(lián);電磁感應光柵所形成的光子帶隙中多波混頻信號的空間過程,包括空間干擾、矢量孤子、Talbot效應等;利用多波混頻空間效應設計的全光開關、路由器、信號波分復用器等非線性光子器件。
1 Introduction
1.1 Suppression and Enhancement Conditions of the FWM Process
1.1.1 Dressed State Theory
1.1.2 Dark-State The oryin MWM Processes
1.1.3 Suppression and Enhancement Conditions
1.2 Fluorescence in MWM
1.3 MWM Process in Ring Optical Cavity
1.3.1 High-Order Cavity Mode Splitting with MWM Process
1.3.2 Squeezed Noise Power with MWM
1.3.3 Three-Mode Continuous-Variable Entanglement with MWM
1.4 Photonic Band Gap
1.4.1 Periodic Energy Level
1.4.2 Method of Transfer Matrix
1.4.3 Nonlinear Talbot Effect Preface
1 Introduction
1.1 Suppression and Enhancement Conditions of the FWM Process
1.1.1 Dressed State Theory
1.1.2 Dark-State The oryin MWM Processes
1.1.3 Suppression and Enhancement Conditions
1.2 Fluorescence in MWM
1.3 MWM Process in Ring Optical Cavity
1.3.1 High-Order Cavity Mode Splitting with MWM Process
1.3.2 Squeezed Noise Power with MWM
1.3.3 Three-Mode Continuous-Variable Entanglement with MWM
1.4 Photonic Band Gap
1.4.1 Periodic Energy Level
1.4.2 Method of Transfer Matrix
1.4.3 Nonlinear Talbot Effect
1.4.4 Third- and Fifth-Order Nonlinearity
1.5 MWM with Rydberg Blockade
1.6 Summary
2 MWM Quantum Controlvia EIT
2.1 Interference of Three MWM via EIT
2.1.1 Experiment Setup
2.1.2 Basic Theory
2.1.3 Results and Discussions
2.1.4 Conclusion
2.2 Observation of EWM via EIT
2.2.1 Basic Theory
2.2.2 Experimental Results
2.2.3 Conclusion
2.3 Controlled MWM via Interacting Dark States
2.3.1 Basic Theory
2.3.2 Multi-Wave Mixing (MWM) Four-Wave Mixing (FWM) Four-Dressing SWM Four-Dressing EWM Four-Dressing EIT
2.3.3 NumericalResults and Discussion Five-Dressing FWM Four-Dressing SWM Four-Dressing EWM Absorption and Dispersionin the Four-Dressing EIT System
2.3.4 Discussion and Conclusion
2.4 Observation of Dressed Odd-Order MWM
2.4.1 Basic Theory and Experimental Scheme
2.4.2 Dressed Odd-Order MWM
2.4.3 COiticlusion
3 Controllable Autler-Townes Splitting of MWM Process via Dark State
3.1 Measurement ofac-Stark Shift via FWM
3.1.1 Experiment and Basic Theory
3.1.2 Experiment and Result
3.1.3 Conclusion
3.2 Evidence of AT Splittingin FWM
3.2.1 Basic Theory
3.2.2 Experimental Results
3.3 Observation of AT Splittingin SWM
3.3.1 Theoretical Model and Experimental Scheme
3.3.2 Experiment and Result
3.3.3 Conclusion
4 Controllable Enhancement and Suppression of MWM Process via Dark State
4.1 Enhanang and Suppressing FWM in EIT Window
4.1.1 Theory and ExperimentalResults
4.1.2 Experiment and Result
4.1.3 Conclusion
4.2 Cascade Dressing Interaction of FWM Jmage
4.2.1 Theoretical Modeland Experimental Scheme
4.2.2 Cascade Dressinglnteraction
4.2.3 Conclusion
4.3 Multi-Dressing Interaction of FWM
4.3.1 Theoretical Model
5 Controllable Polarization of MWM Process via Dark State
6 Exploring Nonclassical Properties of MWM Process
7 Coherent Modulation of Photonic Band Gap in FWM Process
8 Optical Routing and Space Demultiplexer of MWM Process