量子霍爾效應(yīng):field theoretical approach and related topics
定 價(jià):149 元
- 作者:量子霍爾效應(yīng):field theoretical approach and related topics
- 出版時(shí)間:2012/12/1
- ISBN:9787301215517
- 出 版 社:北京大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:O441
- 頁碼:706
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:2
- 開本:16開
PartⅠ Quantum Field Theory
1. QuantumMechanics
1.3 Creation and Annihilation Operators
1.5 Coherent States and von Neumann Lattice
2. Quantum Field Theory
2.1 One-Body Hamiltonian
2.2 Many-Body Hamiltoruan
2.4 Quantum Field Theory
2.6 Electrons Interacting with Electromagnetic Field
3. CanorucaIQuantization
3.1 Relativistic Particles and Waves
3,5 Nother Currents
4. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
4.2 Real Klein-Gordon Field
4.3 Complex Klein-Gordon Field
4.5 Schrodinger Field
4.7 Goldstone Theorem
5. ElectromagneticField
5.1 Maxwell Equations
5.2 Canorucal Quantization
5.3 Interaction with Matter Field
5.4 Anderson-Higgs Mechanism
5.5 Massive Vector Field
5.6 Superconductivity
5.7 Aharonov-Bohm Effect
6. DiracField
6.2 Plane Wave Solutions
6.3 Canonical Quantization
6.4 Interaction with Electromagnetic Field.
6.5 Weyl Field (Massless Dirac Field)
6.6 Dirac Electrons in Magnetic Field
7. TopologicalSolitons
7.1 Topological Sectors
7.2 Classical Fields
7.3 Solitary Waves, Kinks and Solitons
7.4 Sine-Gordon Solitons
7.6 Homotopy Classes
PartⅡ Oolayer Quantum Hall Systems
PartⅢ ilayer Quantum Hall Systems
PartIV Microscopic Theory