弗吉尼亞人(上海世圖--名著典藏 英文全本 美國(guó)百年暢銷精選,總銷售冊(cè)數(shù)突破300萬(wàn)冊(cè)。。。
定 價(jià):19.8 元
- 作者:(美)威斯特 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2010/9/1
- ISBN:9787510027789
- 出 版 社:世界圖書出版公司
- 中圖法分類:H319.4:I712.45
- 頁(yè)碼:385
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:大32開
To Theodore Roosevelt
To the Reader
1. Enter the Man
2. "WhenYou Call Me That, Smile!".
3. Steve Treats
4. Deep into Cattle Land
5. Enter the Woman
6. Em'ly
7. Through Two Snows "
8. The Sincere Spinster
9. The Spinster Meets the Uuknown
10. Where Fancy Was Bred
11. "You Re Going to Love Me BeforeWe Get Through".
12. Quality and Equality
13. The Game and the Nation - Act First To Theodore Roosevelt
To the Reader
1. Enter the Man
2. "WhenYou Call Me That, Smile!".
3. Steve Treats
4. Deep into Cattle Land
5. Enter the Woman
6. Em'ly
7. Through Two Snows "
8. The Sincere Spinster
9. The Spinster Meets the Uuknown
10. Where Fancy Was Bred
11. "You Re Going to Love Me BeforeWe Get Through".
12. Quality and Equality
13. The Game and the Nation - Act First
14. Between the Acts
15. The Game and the Nation -Act Second
16. The Game and the Nation - Last Act
17. Scipio Moralizes
18. "WouldYou Be a Parson?".
19. Dr. Macbride Begs Pardon
20. The Judge Ignores Particulars
21. In a State of Sin
22. "What Is a Rustler?".
23. Various Points
24. A Letter with a Moral
25. Progress of the Lost Dog
26. Balaam and Pedro
27. Grandmother Stark
28. No Dream toWake From
29. Word to Bennington
30. A Stable onthe Flat
31. The Cottonwoods
32. Superstition Trail
33. The Spinster Loses Some Sleep
34. To Fit Her Finger
35. With Malice Aforethought
36. At Dunbarton