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a (an), one
a couple of, a pair of
a few, a number of, several, some
a great deal of, a lot of, plenty of
a little, a bit
abandon, abdicate, desert, give up, quit, renounce, waive
ABC, alphabet
ability, capability, capacity, competence
able, capable
abominable, contemptible, despicable, detestable
about, concerning, regarding, respecting
above, over
absolutely, certainly, surely
absorb, assimilate, imbibe
a (an), one
a couple of, a pair of
a few, a number of, several, some
a great deal of, a lot of, plenty of
a little, a bit
abandon, abdicate, desert, give up, quit, renounce, waive
ABC, alphabet
ability, capability, capacity, competence
able, capable
abominable, contemptible, despicable, detestable
about, concerning, regarding, respecting
above, over
absolutely, certainly, surely
absorb, assimilate, imbibe
abstract, conceptual, theoretical
acceptance, approbation
acclaim, applaud, cheer, hail
acclimatize, accustom, get used to
accommodate, adapt, adjust
accommodate, lodge, put up
accommodation, lodging, quarters, rooms
accompany, attend, convoy, escort
accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus
achievement, accomplishment, attainment
acquaintance, confidant, pal
acquirement, acquisition
acute, keen, sharp
adaptable, flexible, open-minded
addition, attachment, suoolement
additional, added, extra
adjustment, modification, regulation
admission, admittance, entry
admit, acknowledge, concede, confcss, profess
adopted, adoptive, foster
advantage, benefit, profit
adventure, enterprise, venture
advertise, announce, propagate
advertisement, advert, commercial
advice, counsel
advise, convince, dissuade, persuade
aeroplane, Airbus, aircraft, Boeing, jet, plane
afar, apart, aside
affect, impress, influence
affirm, allege, assert
after, behind
after, since
aftermath, consequence, outcome, result
ago, before, formerly, previously
agree, accede, approve, assent, consent
agreement, accord
agriculture, farming, husbandry
air, atmosphere, breeze, draught
airport, aerodrome, airfield
alien, exotic, foreign, overseas
alike, like
alive, animate, living
all fight, alright, OK
allocate, allot, distribute
aloud, load
also, either, too
although, as, though
alumnus, graduate
ambition, aspiration, desire
amiable, amicable, friendly
amoral, immoral
amplify, enlarge, expand, increase
ancestor, forefather, progenitor
anew, again
angry, enraged, furious
angular, bent, crooked
answer, reply, respond
anthology, collection, works
anticipate, await, expect
antiquated, old-fashioned, out-of-date
artxiety, care, concern, unease, worry
anxious, concerned, worried
anyway, anyhow, nevertheless
apartment, fiat, suite
appear, arise, emerge, loom, show
appliance, apparatus, device, facility
apply, ask, sue for
appoint, designate, name, nominate
appointment, assignment, designation
appointment, date, engagement
approach, bear down
apt, liable, likely, prone
Arab, Arabian, Arabic
arc, arch, bow, curve
architecture, construction, structure
argue, debate, dispute
around, about, approximately, roughly
arrest, capture, catch, seize
arrive, get, reach
artificial, man-made, synthetic
artist, artiste
ascend, climb, mount
ashamed, embarrassed, mortified
ask, inquire, query, question
assert, contend, maintain
assttme, presume, suppose
assurance, insurance
athlete, sportsman, sportsperson
athletic, brawny, muscular
attosphere, mood
attach, affix, annex
attention, heed, note, notice
attentive, considerate, thoughtful
attact, appeal, charm, fascinate
audible, clear, perceptible
auhodty, boffin, expert, specialist
atttornatic, computerized, programmed, robotic
average, median, medium
avoid, elude, evade
aware, conscious, sensible
babble, chattar
baby, babe, infant
back rear
backward, backwards
bad, evil, ill, vicious, wicked
badge, chevron, crest, emblem, pin
bag, pouch, purse, sack, wallet
beggage, luggage
balance, equilibrium, stability
banish, deport, exile
bargain, negotiate
bark,bay, growl, howl, snarl, yap
base,basis, foundation
bie, exist,live
bear, endure, stand, sustain, tolerate
beat, flutter, pound, pulsate, thump
beautiful, good-looking, handsome, lovely, pretty
because, as, for, since
beforehand, ahead
behaviour, action, air, bearing, conduct, manner
belief, credit, faith
belong to, go with
bend, arch, bow, coil, curve
beneficial, constructive
betray, cheat on, grass on, rat
between, among
beware, alert
bias, aptitude, bent, favour, inclination, preference,prejudice
big, bulky, great, large
biography, autobiography, life story
birth, delivery, labour
bite, champ, gnash, gnaw
blame, admonish, berate, censure, condemn, rebuke, reproach
blank, bare, empty, hollow, vacant
blast, blow up, burst, explode
blaze, flame, flare, glare, glow
block, choke, clog, dam, jam
bloom, blossom, bud, flower
blouse, shirt
blunder, boob, botch, clanger, error, fallacy, fault, guilt,mistake
blush, flush
boast, brag, crow
boastful, cocky, conceited, egotistical
bold, adventurous, brave, courageous, daring
bombard, assail, assault, attack
border, borderline, boundary, frontier
boring, arid, dreary, dry, dull, monotonous
born, borne
borrow, lend
bottom, bed, floor
branch, limb, prong
bravery, bottle, courage
brazen, barefaced, blatant, cheeky
break, crack, crush, split
breed, multiply, procreate
bribe, buy off-
brilliant, bright, dazzling, glaring, glittering
cartoon, animation
carve, chisel, sculpt
case, box. carton, chest, crate
case, circumstance, condition
cash, change, coin, note
castle, fort. fortress
catalogue, brochure, directory, index
cause, arouse, bring, effect
caution, counsel, warn
census, count, statistics
centre, core, heart, middle, midst
ceremony, rite, ritual, service
certain, confident, convinced, positive, sure
chain, bond, handcuff, shackle
change, alter, convert, modify, transform, turn, vary
changeable, variable
chap, bloke, fellow, guy
chat, chatter, conversation, dialogue
cheap, budget, dirt cheap
check, bar
childlike, childish
church, cathedral, chapel
circle, association, club, fellowship
city, metropolis, town
civilization, culture
classify, catalogue, systematize
client, consumer, customer, user
climate, weather
clothes, clothing, dress
clump, bunch, bundle, cluster
clumsy, awkward, blundering, bungling
coherence, connection, link
cold, chilly, cool. frozen, icy
collaborate, collude, cooperate
collapse, crumble, fall, sink
comic, absurd, amusing