Control of Macrosegregation in Medium-High Carbon Special Steel Billets and Blooms
定 價:199 元
- 作者:Hanghang An
- 出版時間:2022/2/24
- ISBN:9787502491239
- 出 版 社:冶金工業(yè)出版社
- 中圖法分類:TF761
- 頁碼:
- 紙張:
- 版次:1
- 開本:B5
Chapter 1 Heredity of Center Segregation in Bloom on Hot Rolled Bars1.1 Introduction1.2 Experimental Section1.2.1 Determination of continuous casting parameters1.2.2 Samples analysis1.3 Results and Discussions1.3.1 Solidification end of bloom1.3.2 Magnetic field characteristics of electromagnetic stirring1.3.4 Influencing factors of solidification structure and center segregation1.3.5 The heredity of center segregation in bloom on the heredity1.4 ConclusionReferencesChapter 2 Evolution of Solidification Law and Structure in Bloom2.1 Introduction2.2 Mathematical Models2.2.1 Thermophysical properties of material2.2.2 Heat transfer model2.2.3 Nucleation model2.2.4 Dendrite tip growth kinetics model2.2.5 Calculation procedure of CAFE model2.2.6 SDAS model2.3 Model Verification2.3.1 Validation of heat transfer model2.3.2 Validation of CAFE model2.3.3 Verification of SDAS model2.4 Results and Discussion2.4.1 Effect of CC process parameters on solidification behavior2.4.2 Effect of CC process parameters on solidification structure2.4.3 Effect of CC process parameters on SDAS2.4.4 Optimization of CC process parameters2.5 ConclusionReferencesChapter 3 Macrosegregation of High Carbon Steel Bloom with M-EMS3.1 Introduction3.2 Experimental Method3.3 Mathematical Models3.2.1 Basic assumption3.2.3 The fluid flow model3.2.4 Heat transfer model3.2.5 Solute transport model3.2.6 The electromagnetic model3.2.7 Model validation3.4 Result and Discussion3.4.1 Macrosegregation in the cross section of high carbon steel bloom3.4.2 Formation of negative segregation band in high carbon steel bloom3.4.3 Influencing factors of negative segregation band3.5 ConclusionReferencesChapter 4 Macro Segregation Control in Billet and Bloom By M+F-EMS4.1 Introduction4.2 Development and Application of Electromagnetic Torque Device4.2.1 Electromagnetic torque model with M-EMS4.2.2 Design of the electromagnetic torque device4.2.3 Investigation method4.2.4 Results and discussion4.3 Effects of Electromagnetic Stirring on Fluid Flow and Temperature Distribution4.3.1 Model description4.3.2 Results and discussion4.4 Industry Application4.4.1 Improvement of macro segregation in billet by M-EMS4.4.2 Reduction of center segregation in billet by M+F-EMS4.4.3 Control of center segregation in rectangular bloom by M+ F-EMS4.5 ConclusionsReferencesChapter 5 Control of Macro Segregation in Bloom By M+F-EMS and MSR5.1 Introduction5.2 Reducing Macro Segregation in High Carbon Steel Bloom by F-EMS and MSR5.2.1 Model description5.2.2 Determining of process parameters5.2.3 Model validation and application5.3 High-efficiency CC of High Carbon Steel Bloom by M+F-EMS and MSR5.3.1 Background5.3.2 Model description and validation5.3.4 Experiments5.3.5 Results and discussion5.4 Improvement of macro segregation in Bloom Using DSR5.4.1 Investigation work5.4.2 Determination of process parameters5.4.3 Optimization application5.4 ConclusionsReferences