當代國外語言學與應用語言學文庫(升級版)是主要面向高校英語專業(yè)高年級本科生、研究生及英語教師的一套大型的、開放性的系列叢書。本升級版或保留原有經典圖書品種,或繼之以經典圖書的新版,或引進國外語言學與應用語言學領域的新銳力作以進一步拓展學科領域,希望它能繼續(xù)對我國語言學教學與研究和外語教學與研究起到積極的推動作用。 《凸顯度在二語習得中的作用》是當代國外語言學與應用語言學文庫(升級版)中的一本,是一本論文集,由14篇論文組成,分為四個主題:Salience in SLA Theory,Perceptual Salience in SLA,Constructed Salience in SLA,Salience in Context。 ·從多個角度和研究主題對凸顯度在二語習得中的作用進行了深入探討 ·各研究主題具有跨學科性,能很好地拓展相關學術視野和研究思路 ·各篇論文結構清晰,對概念內涵的闡釋直擊本質 ·語言表達簡潔明了,清晰易懂
蘇珊·M. 加斯(Susan M. Gass)是美國密歇根州立大學杰出教授。她曾是美國應用語言學協(xié)會會長和國際應用語言學協(xié)會會長。 帕蒂·斯平納(Patti Spinner)是美國密歇根州立大學副教授。 珍妮弗·貝尼(Jennifer Behney)是美國揚斯敦州立大學意大利語與二語習得助理教授。
Contents 1 Salience in Second Language Acquisition and Related Fields 1 Susan M. Gass, Patti Spinner, and Jennifer Behney PART I Salience in SLA Theory 19 2 Salience in Usage-Based SLA 21 3 Detectability in Feature Reassembly 41 4 The Role of Salience in Linguistic Development: A Contrarian View 64 PART II Perceptual Salience in SLA 87 5 The L2 Acquisition of Italian Tense: The Role of Salience 89 6 The Effect of Perceptual Salience on Processing L2 Inflectional Morphology 107 7 The Role of Salience in the Acquisition of Hebrew as a Second Language: Interaction With Age of Acquisition 131 8 Salience and Novel L2 Pattern Learning 147 PART III Constructed Salience in SLA 165 9 Enhancing the Input to Promote Salience of the L2: A Critical Overview 167 10 Salience, Cognitive Effort, and Word Learning: Insights from Pupillometry 187 11 Effects of Contextual and Visual Cues on Spoken Language Processing: Enhancing L2 Perceptual Salience Through Focused Training 201 PART IV Salience in Context 221 12 Salience of Noun-Adjective Agreement in L2 Latin 223 13 Measuring Lexical Alignment During L2 Chat Interaction: An Eye-Tracking Study 244 14 Task Modality, Noticing, and the Contingency of Recasts: Insights on Salience From Multiple Modalities 269 Afterword: The Role of Salience in Second Language Research 291 Index 298