Preface to the Revised Edition
Preface to the Fist Edition
1.Translation studies as an independent discipline
1.1 Translation and traditional language study
1.2 Literary and linguistic orienattions
1.2.1 The dichotomy of word and sense
1.2.2 Ctegories and principles
1.2.3 The lillusion of equivalence
1.2.4 Translation as manipulation
1.3 Categorization and text-type
1.3.1 Prototype and gestalt
1.3.2 Text-typologies and the prototypology
1.4 An integrated approach
2.Translation as a cross-cultural event
2.1 Language and culture
2.2 Recent translation theories
2.3 System,norm and text
2.4 Dimension and perspective
2.4.1 The translation of metaphor
3.Translation,text and language
3.1 Linguistics and translation
3.2 Text analysis
3.3 Scenes-and –frames semantics
3.4 Speech acts and parallel texts
3.5 Dynamics in meaning
3.5.1 Interlingual relationships
4.From special language to literary translation
4.1 The status of the source text
4.2 The factor of style
4.2.1 Style and convention
4.3 An integrated approach confirmed
5.Translation studies-future perspectives
5.1 1987(fist edition)
5.2 1995(revised edition)
list of source texts
list of dictionaries
lndex of Names
lndex of Key Terms