Keynote and Invited Papers
Seismic Risk Assessments and Risk-Informed Decisions for Major Infrastructure Systems
A.H-S. Ang
Design Constraints for A Wireless Network Architecture
Fabio Casciati and Zhi-Cong Chen
Safety Margins of the Capacity of Seismic Control Dampers in Steel Bridges Against Multiple
Hanbin Ge and Lan Kang
Advanced Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites for Sustainable Civil Infrastructures
Gangarao Hota and Rui-Feng Liang
Environmental Factors Influencing the Durability of Concrete Structures in Frost Environments
Wei-Liang Jin and Hai-Rong Wu
Bricks, Pavers and Ceramics Made with Class F Fly Ash
Obada Kayali, Erik J. Severin and Alex Koszo
Innovative Design of Vibration Sensitive Buildings
C. G. Koh, D. K. H. Chua and S. L. Lee
Long-term Wireless Monitoring Systems for the Monitoring of Long-span Bridges
Masahiro Kurata, Jerome P. Lynch, Gwendlyn van der Linden, Pat Hipley, Li-Hong Sheng
Web Services in Civil and Structural Engineering Simulations
Kincho H. Law
A Smart Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Damage Detection
Ying Lei, Li-Jun Liu, Yong-Qiang Jiang, Yu-Liang Tang and Yu Luo
Advances on Stochastic Damage Mechanics of Concrete
Jie Li and Xiao-Dan Ren
Research and Application of Innovative Fiber Composite Structures
Wei-Qing Liu, Hai Fang, Jun Wang, Li Wan and Lu Zhu
Performance-based Structural Seismic Analysis of High-rise Buildings
Shu-Zhi Lin, Ze-Yao Xu
Sustainable Pedestrian Bridge Construction with Materials by Combination
Urs Meier, Rolf Bronnimann, Robert Widmann, Andreas Winistorfer and Philipp Irniger
Structural Health Monitoring of Supertall Structures: An Engineering Paradigm and Technology Showcase
Yi-Qing Ni, Wei-Yang Liao, Yong Xia and Jan-Ming Ko
Recent Advances in Wireless Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure
Bllie F. Spencer Jr. and Soojin Cho
Assessment Oriented Traffic Monitoring in SHMS
Li-Min Sun and Shou-Wang Sun
Recent Developments in FRP-based Hybrid Structures
Jin-Guang Teng
Research on Seismic Failure Mode and Control of High-rise Diagrid Tube Structures
Jun Teng, Wei-Liang Guo, Hao Zhang and Zuo-Hua Li
Variable Selection in Proportional Hazards Model: Determining Tuning Variable by AUC
Wen-Chyi Wang and Grace Yang
Advancement of Basalt Fiber Composites Towards Infrastructural Applications
Wu Zhishen, Wang Xin, Wu Gang
Structural Health Monitoring of Long-span Suspension Bridges: A Test Bed and Settlement Study
You-Lin Xu, X. H. Zhang, S. Zhan, H. Y. Tam, X. J. Hong, S. Zhu, Y. Xia, H. Y. Au, L. D. Zhu
Nonlinear Restoring Force and Dynamic Loading Identification Approaches for Chain-Like MODF
Structures by Power Series Polynomial Model
Bin Xu and Jia He
Quality Assurance Methodology for High-speed Track Inspection Systems
Ta-Lun Yang
Key Technologies for Civil Engineering Construction of Xiamen Xiang'an Subsea Tunnel
Chao Zeng
Sensor Degradation and Effect on Structural Health Prognosis
Yun-Feng Zhang and Zhen Li
Dynamic Analysis of Structures Based on Spectral Element Method
Hon,g-Ping Zhu and Jun-Bing Zhang
International Workshop on Rammed Earth Materials and Sustainable Structures & Hakka Tulou Forum 2011:Structures of Sustainability
Introduction to Rammed Earth and Hakka Tulou Special Session
Rui-Feng Liang
Translational Research in Mechanics and Materials with Emphases on Sustainability and Durability
Ken P. Chong, Jiao-Yan Li, James D. Lee and Shuang-Ling Chong
Use of Rammed Earth in Aborigjnal Remote Communities of Western Australia: A Case Study
on Sustainability and Thermal Properties
Daniela Ciancio
An Overview of Some Current Recommendations on the Suitability of Soils for Rammed Earth
Daniela Ciancio and Paul Jaquin
The Distinctions of Architectural Morphology between Tubao and Tulou in Fujian
Zhi-Jian Dai
The Genes of Tulou: A Study on Preservation and Sustainable Development of Tulou
Shaosen Wang, Suyu Li and Shjie Liao
Monitoring, Damage Detection and Identification for Engineering Structures
Steuctural Seismic Analysis and Seismic-resistant Structural Systems
Composite Structures and RC Structures
Design,Construction and Analysis of Bridge Structures
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation for Civil Structures
Novel Analytical and Experimental Methods for Civil Structures
Reliabiliy,Probabilistic Assessment and Uncertainty Evaluation
Abstract: The present study concerns the quantification of the environmental factors influencing the durability of concrete structures under on-site frost environments, including the number of freeze-thaw cycles, average freezing rate and time proportional coefficient of water saturation in concrete. A statistical method is put forward to get the on-site freeze-thaw cycles by using the average annual number of negative-temperature days as an index. In addition, a practical formula is obtained to predict the natural freeze-thaw cycles accordingly. Then, a conceptual approach considering the time proportion of concrete in saturated condition is proposed for general atmospheric environment. According to the average freezing rate in the freezing and thawing, the proportional coefficient of concrete damage in different freeze-thaw environments is obtained. Based on the aforementioned factors, relationship between different freeze-thaw environmental conditions is established. As
an example, procedure of predicting the equivalent number of laboratory freeze-thaw cycles from on-site freeze-thaw cycles is given. Thus, the relationship between on-site environment and indoor experiment is established.
Keywords: Concrete durability, number of freeze-thaw cycles, time period of saturation, proportional
coefficient of concrete damage, equivalent laboratory freeze-thaw cycle number
Concrete structures built in frost environment, subjected to iteration of freezing and thawing, may suffer seriousdurability problems. Concrete damage induced by freezing and thawing can be classified two types: internal damage and surface damage ( Lay et al. , 2003) . Internal damage occurs when pore water inside the concrete freezes. Water expands when it freezes, and then the concrete cracks as a result of the expansion stress. Surface damage is common in concrete structures subjected to the combined action of freezing-thawing and salt solution which leads to concrete scaling at local weak places. The study focuses on the first kind of damage-the freezing and thawing without participation of salt.
In different freeze-thaw environments, the number of freeze-thaw cycles, the average freezing rate, the lowest freezing temperature and the proportional coefficient of water saturation time for concrete during the freezing and thawing are different. With these differences, on site data m one environment can't be used as a reference for the prediction and assessment of the freeze-thaw durability of concrete structures in another environment. Also, because of the huge differences between field and laboratory freeze-thaw environment, a number of standard freeze-thaw test data is difficult to be applied directly to predict the on-site freeze-thaw durability of concrete. With these considerations, relationship between different freeze-thaw environments including the relationship between field and laboratory environments is necessary for the qualification and distinction of the effect degree of different freeze-thaw environments.
With the discussions of freeze-thaw cycle number, freezing rate and time period of freezing, time of concrete in saturated condition, the quantification of the environmental factors influencing the durability of concrete structures under on-site frost environments are obtained. Accordingly, relationship between different freeze-thaw environmental conditions is established. The result is useful for predictions, assessments and quantitive design of concrete durability. Obviously, the test data in one specific area can be used in other areas with different environmental characteristics under the condition of lacking tested data.