Aerospace power systems provide the thrust of forward movement and the necessary speed to lift off for aircrafts. The most important part in an aerospace power system is the aircraft engine. With the development of science and technology in various countries, people have higher and higher requirements on the control performance of aerospace power systems,which undoubtedly increases the control difficulty of aerospace power systems.
Sliding mode theory includes sliding mode controller design method and sliding mode observer design method. Because of the good robustness and relatively simple strategy,sliding mode theory has attracted more and more attentions all around world from science researchers to engineering technicians.
The control systems in modern aircraft engines are carried out by Full Authority Digital Electronic Control (FADEC) systems. The FADEC needs to work with the signal measured by the relevant sensors on the aircraft engine, which contains a large number of electronic components, sensors and actuators. Most of these components work in the working environment of high temperature, high pressure and alternating stress of aircraft engine, which makes them prone to failure and several faults occur frequently. Once serious faults occur, the consequence may be unimaginable. Therefore, fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control for aerospace power system is particularly important.
In view of this, we write this book by summarizing years of scientific research results,focusing on the sliding mode theory for the fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control of aerospace power systems.
Focussing on the fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control problems in aerospace power systems, this book introduces a variety of sliding mode observer design, sliding mode controller design and sliding mode fault tolerant control system construction methods.Correspondingly, except the Chapter 1, which is the introduction, there are three parts in this book. The first part includes six chapters, which discuss fault diagnosis of aerospace power systems. The second part includes five chapters and different sliding mode control methods are presented for aerospace power systems. The third part, which is comprised of seven chapters, shows several fault tolerant control methods for aerospace power systems.
We sincerely thank our students and friends. Thank you for your help and support in writing this book.
In the process of editing and publishing this book, many staff in Beihang University Press have worked hard, and we would like to express our gratitude here also.
Limited to our ability, this book is inevitably inadequate or even wrong, and we urge readers, experts and scholars from all areas to criticize and correct us.
Xiao Lingfei and Lin Cong
June 11,2021
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control Theory 1
1.1.1 Faults Classification 1
1.1.2 Fault Diagnosis 5
1.1.3 Fault Tolerant Control 7
1.2 Sliding Mode Theory 11
1.2.1 Sliding Mode Control 11
1.2.2 Sliding Mode Observer 12
1.3 Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control Based on Sliding Mode 13
1.3.1 Fault Diagnosis Based on Sliding Mode Observer 13
1.3.2 Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control 14
1.4 Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control in Aircraft Power Systems 15
1.4.1 Sliding Mode Fault Diagnosis in Aircraft Power Systems 15
1.4.2 Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control in Aircraft Power Systems 16
1.5 Structure of This Book 16
Chapter 2 Aircraft Engine Sensor Faults Diagnosis Based on Sliding Mode Observer by Using Residual 18
2.1 Aircraft Engine Mathematical Model 18
2.1.1 Aircraft Engine Linear Model 18
2.1.2 Establishment of Aircraft Engine State Space Variable Model Based on Least Square Fitting 21
2.2 Mathematical Model of Sensor Fault in Aircraft Engine 23
2.3 Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Residual Error 23
2.3.1 System Model with Sensor Faults 24
2.3.2 Observer Design and Stability Analysis 24
2.3.3 Parameter Solution of Sliding Mode Observer Based on Linear Matrix Inequality 25
2.3.4 Sensor Fault Detection Based on Sliding Mode Observer 27
2.4 Simulation 28
2.5 Conclusions 31
Chapter 3 Multi-sensors Fault Diagnosis of Aircraft Engine Based on Kalman Filter Group 32
3.1 Introduction 32
3.2 Aircraft Engine Model 33
3.3 Design of Sensor Fault Diagnosis System for Aircraft Engine 35
3.3.1 Single Sensor Fault Diagnosis 35
3.3.2 Multi-sensors Fault Diagnosis 36
3.4 Simulation 37
3.5 Conclusions 46
Chapter 4 Fault Identification for Turboshaft Engines Based on Fractional-order Sliding Mode Observer 47
4.1 Introduction 47
4.2 Turboshaft Engine Linearized Model 48
4.3 Fault Identification Based on Fractional-order Sliding Mode Observer 49
4.4 Simulation 51
4.5 Conclusions 55
Chapter 5 Robust Fault Identification of Turbofan Engine Sensors Based on Fractional-order Integral Sliding Mode Observer 56
5.1 Introduction 56
5.2 Equilibrium Manifold Expansion Model of Turbofan Engine 57
5.3 Fractional-order Integral Sliding Mode Observer for Fault Identification 58
5.3.1 Preliminaries of Fractional-order Calculus 58
5.3.2 Design of Fractional-order Integral Sliding Mode Observer 59
5.4 Simulation 64
5.5 Conclusions 70
Chapter 6 Aircraft Engine Gas Path Fault Diagnosis Based on HPSO-TWSVM 71
Chapter 7 Fault Reconstruction of Actuator in Aircraft Engine Based on Equilibrium Manifold Expansion Model and Sliding Mode Observer 85
Chapter 8 Sliding Mode Control for Aircraft Engine Based on Genetic Algorithm 90
Chapter 9 Aircraft Engine Sliding Mode Control Based on Variable Parameter Model 109
Chapter 11 Aircraft Engine Nonlinear Sliding Mode Control Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 138
Chapter 12 Robust Control for Electric Fuel Pump with Variant Nonlinear Loads Based on a New Combined Sliding Mode Surface 154
Chapter 13 Aircraft Engine Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control Based on Sliding Mode Observer 173
13.1 Robust Reconstruction of Sensor Faults Based on Sliding Mode Observer 173
13.1.1 Robust Reconstruction of Sensor Faults 178
13.1.2 Simulation 181
13.2 Design of Integral Tangent Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control System for Aircraft Engine 186
13.3 Simulation 187
13.4 Conclusions 191
Chapter 14 Aircraft Engine Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control Based on Kalman Filter 192
14.1 Design of Aircraft Engine Sliding Mode Tracking Controller 192
14.1.1 Problem Description 192
14.1.2 Model Augmentation 193
14.1.3 Design of Sliding Surface 193
14.1.4 Design of Sliding Mode Control Law 195
14.1.5 Stability Analysis 196
14.2 Design of Aircraft Engine Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control 197
14.3 Simulation 197
14.4 Conclusions 202
Chapter 15 Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control for Aircraft Engine with Sensor Fault Based on PID Reaching Law 203
15.1 Introduction 203
15.2 Reconstruction of Sensor Fault Signal 203
15.3 System Description 205
15.4 Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Controller Design for Sensor Fault 206
15.5 Simulation 207
15.5.1 Signal Reconstruction 207
15.5.2 PID Fault Tolerant Controller for Sensor Fault 209
15.5.3 H ∞ Fault Tolerant Controller for Sensor Fault 211
15.5.4 Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Controller for Sensor Fault 213
15.6 Conclusions 214
16.1 Introduction 216
16.2 Design of Adaptive Fault Tolerant Controller 217
16.2.1 Engine Model 217
16.2.2 Adaptive Observer for Fault Diagnosis 217
16.2.3 Fault Tolerant Control Design 219
16.3 Simulation 220
16.4 Conclusions 225
Chapter 17 Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control for Aircraft Electric Fuel Pump with Actuator Fault 226
17.1 Fault Tolerant Controller Based on Walcott Zak Observer 226
17.1.1 Design of Fault Tolerant Control System 226
17.1.2 Simulation 228
17.2 Fault Tolerant Controller Based on Hybrid Nonsingular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Observer 231
17.2.1 Design of Fault Tolerant Control System 231
17.2.2 Simulation 234
17.3 Conclusions 238
18.1 Introduction 239
18.2 Controller Design and Fault Tolerant Method 240
18.2.1 Problem Description 240
18.2.2 Guaranteed Cost Controller Design 242
18.2.3 Fault Tolerant Control Based on Kalman Filter 247
18.3 Simulation 248
18.4 Conclusions 250
19.1 Introduction 252
19.2 Mathematical Model of Aircraft Engine Control Systems 253
19.3 Main Results 256
19.3.1 Detection Observer Design 256
19.3.2 Adaptive Diagnostic Observer Design 256
19.3.3 Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control 257
19.3.4 Robust Stabilization Analysis 258
19.4 Simulation 261
19.5 Conclusions 267
References 268