定 價:79 元
- 作者:(美),梁勇 ,(Y.Daniel Liang) 著
- 出版時間:2013/6/1
- ISBN:9787111425052
- 出 版 社:機械工業(yè)出版社
- 中圖法分類:TP312C++
- 頁碼:689
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
《經(jīng)典原版書庫:C++程序設計(英文版·第3版)》特色: 更新了書中的實例和練習,以激發(fā)讀者的編程興趣! 〉4章介紹了string類型和簡單輸入/輸出,可以使讀者較早使用字符串和文件編寫程序! 〉6章介紹函數(shù),涵蓋了所有與函數(shù)相關的問題! 〕R婂e誤和陷阱部分可以幫助讀者避免常見編程錯誤。 擴充了算法技術方面的內容,采用新的實例闡釋動態(tài)規(guī)劃算法、分治策略、回溯法和貪婪算法,以設計 高效算法! 〗榻B了foreach循環(huán)、自動類型推斷、Lambda表達式等C++11的新特性。
Y. Daniel Liang 普度大學終身教授,阿姆斯特朗亞特蘭大州立大學計算機科學系教授。他所編寫的Java教程在美國大學Java課程中采用率極高,同時他還兼任Prentice Hall Java系列叢書的編輯。
Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers,Programs, and C++
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What is a Computer?
1.3 Programming Languages
1.4 Operating Systems
1.5 History of C++
1.6 A Simple C++ Program
1.7 C++ Program-Development Cycle
1.8 Programming Style and Documentatjon
1.9 Programming Errors
Chapter 2 Elementary Programming
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Writing a Simple Program
2.3 Reading input from the Keyboard
2.4 Identifiers
2.5 Variables
2.6 Assignment Statements and Assignment Expressions
2.7 Named Constants
2.8 Numeric Data Types and Operations
2.9 Evaluating Expressions and Operator Precedence
2.10 Case Study: Displaying the Current Time
2.11 Augmented Assignment Operators.
2.12 Increment and Decrement Operators
2.13 Numeric Type Conversions
2.14 Software Development Process
2.15 Case Study: Counting Monetary Units
2.16 Common Errors
Chapter3 Selections
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The bool Data Type
3.3 if Statements
3.4 Two-Way if-else Statements
3.5 Nested if and Multi-Way if-else Statements
3.6 Common Errors and Pitfalls
3.7 Case Study: Computing Body Mass Index
3.8 Case Study: Computing Taxes
3.9 Generating Random Numbers
3.10 Logical Operators
3.11 Case Study: Determining Leap Year
3.12 Case Study: Lottery
3.13 switch Statements
3.14 Conditional Expressions
3.15 Operator Precedence and Associativity
3.16 Debugging
Chapter 4 Mathematical Functions, characters, and Strings
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Mathematical Functions
4.3 Character Data Type and Operations
4.4 Case Study: Generating Random Characters
4.5 Case Study: Guessing Birthdays
4.6 Character Functions
4.7 Case Study: Converting a Hexadecimal Digit to a Decimal Value
4.8 The string Type
4.9 Case Study: Revising the Lottery Program Using Strings
4.10 Formatting Console Output
4.11 Simple File Input and Output
Chapter 5 Loops
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The while Loop
5.3 The do-while Loop
5.4 The for Loop
5.5 Which Loop to Use?
5.6 Nested Loops
5.7 Minimizing Numeric Errors
5.8 Case Studies
5.9 Keywords break and continue
5.10 Case Study: Checking Palindromes
5.11 Case Study: Displaying Prime Numbers
Chapter 6 Functions
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Defining a Function
6.3 Calling a Function
6.4 void Functions
6.5 Passing Arguments by Value
6.6 Modularizing Code
6.7 Overloading Functions
6.8 Function Prototypes
6.9 Default Arguments
6.10 Inline Functions
6.11 Local, Global, and Static Local Variables
6.12 Passing Arguments by Reference
6.13 Constant Reference Parameters
6.14 Case Study: Converting Hexadecimals to Decimals
6.15 Function Abstraction and Stepwise Refinement
Chapter 7 Single-Dimensional Arrays and C-Strings
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Array Basics
7.3 Problem: Lotto Numbers
Chapter 8 Multidimensional Arrays
Chapter 9 Objects and Classes
Chapter 10 Object-Oriented Thinking
Chapter 11 Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management
Chapter 12 Templates, Vectors, and stacks
Chapter 13 File Input and Output
Chapter 14 Operator Overloading
Chapter 15 Inheritance and Polymorphism
Chapter 16 Exception Handing
Chapter 17 Recursion