定 價(jià):20 元
- 作者:趙麗華 編
- 出版時(shí)間:2013/1/1
- ISBN:9787111404392
- 出 版 社:機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社
- 中圖法分類(lèi):TP3
- 頁(yè)碼:
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開(kāi)本:16開(kāi)
Chapter 1 Computer Basics
1.1 An Introduction to Computers
1.1.1 What Is a Computer?
1.1.2 The History of Computers.
1.1.3 Computer Category
1.2 What Can You Do with Computers?
1.3 Turning Your Computer Off and On
Chapter 2 Computer Components and
2.1 The Basic Structure of Computers
2.2 Computer Processors
2.2.1 What Is a Processor?
2.2.2 The Processor at Work
2.3 Main Memory and Auxiliary Memory
2.3.1 Internal Memory
2.3.2 The Basic Unit of Memory
2.3.3 Auxiliary Memory
2.4 Computer System Input/Output
2.4.1 Computer System Input
2.4.2 Computer System Output
2.5 Choosing Hardware
Chapter 3 Computer Software
3.1 What Is Computer Software?
3.2 System Software
3.2.1 An Introduction to Operating
3.2.2 Types of Operating System
3.2.3 An Introduction to Popular OS
3.2.4 Windows Vista
3.3 Software Engineering
3.3.1 What Is Software Engineering?
3.3.2 The Phase of Software Development
Chapter 4 Office Automation
4.1 An Introduction to Office Automation
4.2 Application of Office Automation
4.3 The Office Automation System.
Chapter 5 Multimedia
5.1 The Concept of Multimedia
5.2 Elements of Multimedia
5.3 Multimedia Uses and Applications
5.4 Multimedia Technology
5.4.1 Computer Vision
5.4.2 Point-to-Point Videoconference.
Chapter 6 Network
6.1 An Introduction to Network
6.2 Protocol
6.3 Topology
Chapter 7 Database
7.1 What Is Database?
7.2 Foundation of Database
7.2.1 Basic Database Conceptions
7.2.2 Database System Application
7.3 SQL Server 2005
Chapter 8 The Programming Languages
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Machine Language
8.3 Assembly Language
8.4 High-level Language
8.5 Compiler
Chapter 9 Internet
9.1 A Brief Introduction
9.2 Website Design
9.2.1 Website Design Steps