內(nèi)科學(xué)=Internal Medicine
定 價:289 元
- 作者: 劉章鎖 著,劉章鎖,劉紅,徐作軍,高宇,張慧 編
- 出版時間:2021/10/1
- ISBN:9787564576912
- 出 版 社:鄭州大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:R5
- 頁碼:919
- 紙張:
- 版次:1
- 開本:其他
Part 1 Disorders of the Respiratory System
Chapter 1 Acute Upper Respiratory Infection
1.2 Acute Bronchitis
Chapter 2 Pulmonary Infectious Diseases
2.1 Overview of Pneumonia
2.2 Bacterial Pneumonía
2.3 Pneumonia Caused by Other Pathogens
2.4 Lung Abscess
Chapter 3 Bronchiectasis
3.1 Etiology and Pathogenesis
3.2 Pathology
3.3 Clinical Fíndíngs
3.4 Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis
3.5 Treatment
3.6 Prevention
Chapter 4 Pulmonary Tuberculosis
4.1 Epidemiology
4.2 Etiology
4.3 Interpersonal Spread of Tuberculosis
4.4 Progression and Development
4.5 Pathology
4.6 Clinical Manifestation
4.7 Díagnosis
4.8 Types of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
4.9 Records of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
4.10 Differentíal Diagnosis
4.11 Chemotherapy for Pulmonary Tuberculosis
4.12 Other Treatment
4.13 Treatment in Special Situations
4.14 Strategies and Measures for Tuberculosis Control
Chapter 5 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
5.1 General Consideration
5.2 Etiology
5.3 Pathogenesis
5.6 Laboratory and Other Auxiliary Examinations
5.7 Diagnosis
5.8 Assessment of the Severity of the Disease During the Stable Period
5.9 Acute Exacerbation Risk Assessment
5.10 Assessment of Severity of Acute Exacerbation
5.11 Differential Diagnosis
5.12 Complications
5.13 Treatment
Chapter 6 Asthma
6.1 Epidemiology
6.2 Etiology and Pathogenesis
6.3 Clinical Findings
6.4 Auxiliary Examinations
6.5 Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis
6.6 Treatment
6.7 Management and Education of Asthma
6.8 Prevention
Chapter 7 Pulmonary Embolism
7.1 General Consideration
7.2 Epidemiology
7.3 Risk Factors
7.4 Pathophysiology
7.5 Clinical Findings
7.6 Diagnostic Strategies
7.7 Treatment
Chapter 8 Pulmonary Hypertension and Cor Pulmonale
8.1 Pulmonary Hypertension
8.2 Cor Pulmonale
Chapter 9 Interstitial Lung Diseases (Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Diseases)
9.1 General Introduction to Interstitial Lung Disease
9.2 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
9.3 Interstitial Lung Disease Associated with Connective Tissue Disorders
9.4 Sarcoidosis
Chapter 10 Pleural Diseases
10.1 Pleural Effusion
10.2 Pneumothorax
Part 2 Disorders of the Cardiovascular System
Part 3 Disorders of the Digestive System
Part 4 Disorders of Urinary System
Part 5 Disorders of Blood and Hemopoietic System
Part 6 Disorders of Endocrine and Metabolic System
Part 7 Rheumatic Diseases