定 價:68 元
- 作者: [加] 保羅·哈克特 著
- 出版時間:2021/7/1
- ISBN:9787560395951
- 出 版 社:哈爾濱工業(yè)大學出版社
- 中圖法分類:O413
- 頁碼:140
- 紙張:
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
本書的作者為保羅·哈克特(Paul Hockett)教授,他于2008年在諾丁漢大學獲得了博士學位,2009年加入了加拿大國家研究委員會.保羅的研究興趣非常廣泛,橫跨了AMO(原子、分子、光學)的許多領域,包括量子、計算物理學(與物理化學),他特別關注光與物質(zhì)相互作用的基礎理論、光譜學和復雜系統(tǒng)的應用.
A noteonthe online materials
A note on the references
PartⅢ Developments,methodologies and measurements
8 Developing quantum metrology with photoelectrons
8.1 Historicaldevelopment:completephotoionizati,otiexperiments
8.1.1 Atomic photoionization
8.1.2 Molecular photoionization
8.1.3 Further reading
8.2 Experimental and analysis methodologies
8.2.1 Determination of βLM(k,t) from photoelectron images
8.2.2 Matrix element retrieval
9 State-resolved frequency—domain measurements
9.1 Rotationally—resolved photoelectron imaging
9.2 Bootstrapping complexity:from atomicto molecular scattering
9.3 Photoelectronangularinter ferograms and determination ofthe dipollmatrix elements
9.4 Uniqueness:mapping the X hyperspaceandverification
9.5 Pump-probepolarizationgeo metry dependence and tomographicimaging References
10 Time-domainmeasurements within tra-pulsedynamics
10.1 Photoelectron imagingmeasurements frompotassium
10.2 Photoelectron imagesimulationan dparameter reconstruction
10.3 Photoelectron angular interferograms and determination of the dipole matrix elements
10.4 Mapping X2:fit statistics and sensitivity
10.5 Comparison with.tomographic data
ll Time.domain measements with rotational wavepackets
bootstrapping protocol
11.1 Test case:butadiene model
11.2 Nitrogen aligned—frame photoelectron imaging
11.3 Bootstrapping protocol
11.3.1 Formalism
11.3.2 Stage l:rotational wavepacket reconstruction
l1.3.3 Stage 2:photoionization matrix element reconstruction
11.4 PhotOionization matrix elements
l1.5 Molecular frame reconstructions
11.6 Bootstrap protocol summary and outlook
Part Ⅳ Generalisations and future directions
12 Advances
l2.1 Information content revisited
12.2 Multiplexing and control
12.2.1 Exploring the intra-pulse dynamics
12.2.2 Coherent control for metrology:polarization multiplexing
and information content
1 2.2.3 Extensions
1 2.2.4 Maximum information measurements and multiplexing
12.3 Generalised bootstrapping
12.3.1 Theoretical limitations
12.3.2 Additional approximations
12.3.3 Experimental considerations
1 2.3.4 Computational methods
13 Future directions and outlook
13.1 Bootstrapping to quantitative quantum dynamics
13.2 Further directions for quantum metrologies based on
photoelectron interferograms
13.3 Summary and outlook