誓鳥(英文) 在大航海時代的宏大歷史背景下,一個美麗的中國女子遠下南洋,海嘯奪走了她的記憶,她在大海里、島嶼上顛沛流離,被欺侮、被拋棄,歷經(jīng)生育、病痛、牢獄之苦,她刺瞎了自己的雙目,只為尋找遺失的記憶。她為了尋找自己的過去,甘愿窮盡一生。春遲終于沒能在滄海中找到那枚藏著她的記憶的貝殼,但她并沒有把自己的故事歸于茫茫。有人說曾在舊城的廢墟瓦礫中,看到過一個眼瞎的女人。她像一只鳥兒一樣掠過地上的死人,拾起散落在他們身邊或握在他們手中的貝殼。攻進貝殼城邦的那些士兵們,都曾看到這個女人踮著她鮮紅的腳掌在坍塌的木梁和死人的身上跳舞。她蒙上患病的兒童的眼睛,引領(lǐng)他們閱讀裝載著快樂記憶的貝殼,為他們驅(qū)除病痛。她被人們視為圣女。她是世上zui富有的女人。海盜、歌女、宦官、部族首領(lǐng)、西洋牧師,他們的命運在南洋旖旎的風(fēng)光里交匯。 The blind woman Chun Chi has a secret. Accompanied only by her The Memory Is So Beautiful That We Will Crash Soul for It adopted son Xiao Xing and a eunuch, she lives in a crumbling house stacked with boxes of seashells. But what does she hope to gain from them? Why does she keep going out to sea? How did she lose her sight? Seeking answers, Xiao Xing goes on a quest to uncover her past, which takes him on a journey far from home and into the jungles of Java. Set in the early fifteenth century, when Ming Emperor Yongle sent fleets of Chinese ships to explore Southeast Asia, entangling the two regions, The Promise Bird flits between the frozen north Chinese winter and the blazing heat of the tropics. An uncompromising novel about devotion that borders on obsession, and a love that tips into madness.