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Regarding to city, it reminded us of only tallbuildings in our past memories. The city dwellersare tied of the steel and concrete structuressystematically moved forward and backward withinthe city. As the time develops, the city is nowbecoming more dynamic and diversified. Differentstyles of plaza, residence and courtyard, all kinds ofleisure and entertainment landscape are the perfectreflection of the colorful city. Especially its greenelements make us so moved and touched.
Landscape architect can not be simplified asgardening or planting, nor limited by greenmountains and fresh waters, it is more likely to bea symbol, which bears the deep cultural depositsand represents our times new tendency. It can betraced by the history and walked to us temperately;it combines with the modern design language ratherthan just bound by the history, it conquers thepublic by its unique design concept and features.We cant help being moved and admired. Comparedwith architecture, landscape architecture is stillyoung; but it catches the publics attention andarouses their interest and further exploration withits own charm. Globalization and diversification are the theme ofour time, landscape is no exception. No matter fromthe choice of sustainable and recycled materials,the changes in size and space, or the protection ofthe natural resource and its exploration, we can beaware of bio-diversified, sustainable development,ecological environment concept around everycorner of our life. Not only the residence, also thetransportation meets our functional demand, at thesame time, provides us esthetic feeling and brandnew experience. There is no need arguing about time makes hero orhero makes the time. Landscape architecture hasactually made great progress in our changeabletime. No matter from the angle of traditionalFengshui or modern esthetic, landscape architecturewins a large number of peoples favorite andrecognition. As a characteristic element, landscapearchitecture makes great contribution to diversifypeoples urban life and improve peoples livingquality. Our pursuit of landscape meets our need andlonging to nature. No matter from the lush plants,blooming flowers, dynamic fountains, or the uniquepavement materials; no matter you are in parkgreen land, or have a rest in plaza; we can sense therelaxation and quietness of our mind. Landscapearchitecture is at every place in our life in differentforms, it makes our urban life more diversified andcolorful. Landscape architecture is sailing to itspromising future with firm step. World Landscape Contemporary Selected Projects10x100 II is composed of about 100 award-winningand reputable projects from the international first-class landscape architecture firms. It is classifiedin 10 categories, including residence and garden,commercial and office space, waterfront andecology, campus planning, planning design, parkand green place, plaza and open space, leisureand entertainment, tourism and resort, traffic andtransportation. Numerous drawings truly record thewhole design process of the landscape architects,indicate their wonderful design ideas and maturedesign techniques, suitable description wordsdeeply analyze their design concept and ideas.It also shortens the distance between landscapeprofessionals, students and the best landscapearchitects, becomes a precious book for knowing thedevelopment of landscape architects in recent years,it is an important media to inspire your design life.