定 價(jià):55 元
- 作者:[丹] 弗蘭西斯科·卡馬拉·佩雷拉 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2018/5/1
- ISBN:9787544650113
- 出 版 社:上海外語(yǔ)教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:TP18
- 頁(yè)碼:253
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
1 Introduction
2 Creativity
1 Creativity Theories
1.1 Divergent Production
1.2 Bisociation
1.2.1 Humor
1.2.2 Science
1.2.3 Arts
1.3 The Systems Model
1.4 Boden's Taxonomies
1.5 Others
1.6 Synthesis
2 Computational Creativity
2.1 Two Accounts fcr Characterizing Creativity
2.1.1 Characterizing creativity in AI
2.1.2 Creativity assessment
2.2 Creative Systems
2.2.1 What is a creative system?
2.2.2 Some systems and models
3 Working with Concepts
1 What Is a Concept?
2 Building Concepts
2.1 Ccncept Formation
2.2 Concept Invention
3 Mixing Concepts
3.1 Conceptual Combination
3.2 Conceptual Blending
3.2.1 The Framework
3.2.2 Some criticisms
4 Metaphor and Analogy
4.1 Structure Mapping Engine
4.2 Conceptual Scaffolding and Sapper
4.3 Others
4 A Model of Concept Invention
1 A Creative General Problem Solver
2 Description of the Model
3 Discussion
5 Divago
1 Overview of the Architecture
2 Knowledge Base
3 Mapper
4 Blender
5 Factory
6 Constraints
6.1 Integration
6.2 Topology
6.3 Pattern Completion
6.4 Maximization/Intensification of Vital Relations
6.5 Unpacking
6.6 Web
6.7 Relevance
7 Elaboration
8 Divago as a Creative System
6 Experiments
1 The Boat-House
2 The Horse-Bird
2.1 Evaluating the Optimality Pressures
2.2 Finding the Pegasus
3 Noun-Noun Combinations
3.1 Tuning
3.2 Free Generation
3.3 Comparison to
4 The Creature Generation Experiment
4.1 Tuning
4.2 Free Generation
5 The Established Blending Examples
5.1 Experiments with Isolated Principles
5.2 Experiments with Combination of Principles
5.3 Some Considerations
6 Discussion
7 Conclusions and Future Directions
A The Effect of Input Knowledge
B Established Examples of Conceptual Blending
C Programming the Frames
1 Syntax and Overview
2 Programming of the Frames
3 Examples
D Instances in the House-Boat Experiment
E Experiments, Databases and Other Documents