定 價:65 元
- 作者:盛光遙,李勇,張園 編
- 出版時間:2020/9/1
- ISBN:9787511458421
- 出 版 社:中國石化出版社
- 中圖法分類:X-43
- 頁碼:361
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
Chapter 1 Environment
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Definition of Environment
1.1.2 Classification of Environment
1.1.3 Characteristics of Environment
1.2 Natural Environment
1.2.1 Atmosphere
1.2.2 Hydrosphere
1.2.3 Lithosphere
1.2.4 Soil
1.2.5 Biosphere
1.3 Artificial Environment
1.3.1 Types of Artificial Environment
1.3.2 Characteristics of Artificial Environment
1.4 Environmental Functional Attributes
1.4.1 Diversity of Natural Composition and Structure
1.4.2 Material Circulation
1.4.3 Energy Flow
1.4.4 Information Transmission
1.4.5 The Zonal Law of the Natural Environment
Key terms
Chapter 2 Environmental Problems
2.1 Definition of Environmental Problems
2.2 Classification of Environmental Problems
2.3 Environmental Problems Occurrence and Development
2.4 The Essence of Environmental Problems
2.5 Global Environmental Problems
2.6 Environmental Pollution Events
2.7 Solutions to Environmental Problems
2.7.1 Sustainability
2.7.2 Environmental Protection
2.7.3 Cleaner Production
2.7.4 Climate Change Mitigation
2.7.5 Restoration Ecology
Key terms
Chapter 3 Population and Environment
3.1 Population Growth
3.2 Impact of Population Growth on Environment
3.2.1 The Pressure of Population Growth on Land Resources
3.2.2 The Presure of Population Growth on Water Resources
3.2.3 The Pressure of Population Growth on Energy
3.2.4 Relationship Between Human and Environment
3.2.5 Population Growth and Sustainable Development of Ecological Environment
3.3 China's Population Status
3.3.1 The Total Fertilily Rateis Low,but the Population Growthis Stil Large
3.3.2 The Overall Quality of the Population
3.3.3 Population Aging and the Sex Ratio at Birth is Unbalancec
3.3.4 Floating Population Increasing
3.3.5 The Pressure of Population on Social Securits
3.4 Suggestions to Solve China's Population Problem