Chapter 1 Business Letter
1.1 Criteria for a business letter
1.2 The Structure of a business letter and samples
1.3 Exercises
Chapter 2 InternationaI Sales Contract
2.1 Formation of a sales contract
2.2 The Structure of a sales contract
2.3 Contents of a sales contract
2.4 Contract drafting
2. 5 Exercises
Chapter 3 Checking and Amending the Letters of Credit
3.1 Introduction to the L/C
3.2 Analysis of a L/C
3.3 Amendment to a L/C
3.4 Points to checking the L/C as an exporter
3.5 Effectiveness of amendment to a L/C
3.6 Exercises
Chapter 4 Commodity Inspection Certificates
4.1 Inspection and quarantine of import and export commodities
4.2 Time and place of commodity inspection
4.3 Commodity inspection clauses in the contract
4.4 Commodity inspection agencies
4.5 Commodity inspection certificates
4.6 The concept of reporting for inspection
4.7 Time limit and places of inspection of entry and exit goods
4.8 The main contents and rules for filling in the inspection form of outbound
4.9 Samples of inspection certrficates
4.10 Exercises
Chapter5 Invoice
5.1 The role of commercial invoice
5.2 Types of commercial invoice
5.3 The contents and making-out of a commercial invoice
5.4 Samples of commercial invoice
5.5 Common commercial invoice clauses in a letter of credit
5.6 Exercises
Chapter 6 Insurance Documents in Export Business
6.1 A general knowledge of the marine cargo insurance
6.2 Documentation of the insurance application form
6.3 Documentation of an insurance policy
6.4 Calculation of the insured amount and the insurance premium
6.5 Exercises
Chapter 7 Certificate of Origin
Chapter 8 Customs Clearance for Export
Chapter 9 Transport Documents
Chapter 10 Negotiable Instruments
Chapter 11 Packing Documents and Beneficiary's Certificate
Chapter 12 Export Verification System and Export Tax Refund
Chapter 13 The Practice of Import Business