Chapter I. The General Theory of Stochastic Processes,
Semi*rtingales and Stochastic Integrals
1. Stochastic Basis, Stopping Times, Optionala-Field,Martingales
1a. Stochastic Basis
lb. Stopping Times
lc. The Optional a-Field
ld. The Localiz*ion Procedure
1e. Martingales
1f. The Discrete Case
2. Predi*able a-Field, Predi*able Times
2a. The Predi*able a-Field
2b. Predi*able Times
2c. Totally Inaccessible Stopping Times
2d. Predi*able Pro*e*ion
2e. The Discrete Case
3. Increasing Processes
3a. Basic Properties
3b. Do, b-Meyer Deposition and Compens*o*of IncreasingProcesses
3c. Lenglart Domin*ion Property
3d. The Discrete Case
4. Semi*rtingales and Stochastic Integrals
4a. Locally Square-Integrable Martingales
4b. Depositions of a Local Martingale
4c. Semi*rtingales
4d. Constru*ion of the Stochastic Integral
4e. Quadr*ic Vari*ion ofa Semi*rtingale and Ito's For*la
4f. Dol6ans-Dade Exponential For*la
4g. The Discrete Case
Chapter II. Chara*eristics of Semi*rtingales and Processes withIndependent Increments
1. Random Measures
1a. General Random Measures
lb. Integer-Valued Random Measures
1c. A Fundamental Example: Poisson Measures
1d. Stochastic Integral with Respe* to a Random Measure
2. Chara*eristics of Semi*rtingales
2a. Definition of the Chara*eristics
2b. Integrability and Chara*eristics
2c. A Canonical Represent*ion for Semi*rtingales
2d. Chara*eristics and Exponential For*la
3. Some Examples
3a. The Discrete Case
3b. More on the Discrete Case
3c. The 'One-Point' Point Process and Empirical Processes
4. Semi*rtingales with Independent Increments
4a. Wiener Processes
4b. Poisson Processes and Poisson Random Measures
4c. Processes with Independent Increments andSemi*rtingales
4d. Gaussian Martingales
5. Processes with Independent Increments
Which Are Not Semi*rtingales
5a. The Results
5b. The Proofs
6. Processes with Conditionally Independent Increments
7. Progressive Conditional Continuous PIIs
8. Semi*rtingales, Stochastic Exponential and StochasticLogarit*.
8a. More About Stochastic Exponential and StochasticLogarit*.
8b. Multiplic*ive Depositions andExponentially Special Semi*rtingales
Chapter III. Martingale Problems and Changes of Measures
1. Martingale Problems and Point Processes
1a. General Martingale Problems
1b. Martingale Problems and Random Measures
1c. Point Processes and Multivari*e Point Processes