定 價(jià):19.8 元
- 作者:宋懷芝
- 出版時(shí)間:2016/3/1
- ISBN:9787508533568
- 出 版 社:五洲傳播出版社
- 中圖法分類:I287.8
- 頁碼:24
- 紙張:銅版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:12開
Lord Ye was a dragon devotee. Mythical serpents decorated his furniture and snaked along the walls into every corner of his abode. Pleased to learn of the human’s devotion, the Dragon King graced him with a visit. But the sight of a real-life dragon made the chicken-hearted Lord Ye crawl under his bed and beg for his life.
Illustrated Classic Chinese Tales: Idioms Stories
Ten short tales featuring Chinese adages have been selected for the “Idioms” section in this series of Illustrated Bilingual Parables from China. Each tale is a stand-alone book with illustrations. With simple storylines and vivid descriptions, they provide a glimpse into how ancient Chinese people lived and thought -- and how these parables evolved into idioms still used today. They usher readers into the treasure trove of Chinese literature and nourish young minds like sweet spring water.
The books feature original colour illustrations, and the English translations have been proofread by a native English speaker. The Chinese text at the end of the book also has pinyin for those who are learning the language. These books can help Chinese and foreign children to learn both English and Chinese, while gaining a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.