定 價(jià):320 元
- 作者:Editor-in-Chief Dong Suocheng, Sun Jiulin
- 出版時(shí)間:2017/2/1
- ISBN:9787030389589
- 出 版 社:科學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:F131
- 頁碼:559
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16K
Approaches to the Key Scientific Issues of the Regional Sustainable Development of Northeast Asia1
Preconditions for Sustainable Development of Pacific Russia Seaside Areas15
Past Experience and the Present in the History of the Man and Nature Relationship in zhe Great Steppe21
The Ca1culation and Simulation of Chinese North-South Demarcation Based on GIS27
Amur Water Problems and Solution Perspectives 38
Maintain Ecologica1 Environment of Heilongjiang River BasinImprove Sustainable Development of Noreast Asia Region 42
Design and Development of North East Asia Scientific Expedition Database System and Its Application51
Environmental Evolution of Mongolia61
G1oba1 Change and Regiona1 Landscape Reonse and Deser fication in Siberia65
Regional Features of Traditiona1 Use of Natura1 Resource71
Water Resources and Water Environment in Central Asia77
Land Resources of Cryolithozone and Possible Transformantions under Globa1 Change81
Land-cover Changes In Central Asia90
Spatial Pattem of Methane along a Precipitation Gradient in Northeast Asia 96
Temporal and Spatial Variability of Dust Storms in Central Asia106
Comparison Study on Development of Economy and Society in North china and its Neighboring Areas 115
Effective Mechanisms for Intemationa1 Cooperation to Create Conditions for Sustainable Development in Transboundary Rivl Basins in InnarAsia126
Biomass and Vohnme of Growing Stock and Vegetation Carbon Storage of Scots Pine and Siberian Larch Forest from Baikal Lake Region of Russia 130
Multifunctiona1 Hierararchy of the Territorial Organization of Nature-use Management in Region139
The Impactof the Globa1 Crisis on the Regions in the Transbaikalia and in the Southem FarEt145
Meodologica1 Approaches to A Comprehensive Study of Elogica1 and Economic Problems of Environmental Management the Transboundary Selenga River Basin164
Response of CH Emission to the Thermokarst Pond Increase in Central Yakutia (East Siberia Russia)171
Analysis of A Control System of Wastes production and Consumption in Russia180
Investigation of Soil Nutrients and Texture Under Different Land Use Types on the Olkhon Island of Lake Baikal188
Study of Benthic Organisms as Bioindicators of Ecosystem of Lake Baikal199
Natural Reources of the Russian Far East and Their Role in Sustainable DevelOpment of Northeast Asia207
Current Climate Warming and Larch Growth in Central Yakutia (Russia)212
Temporal and Spatial Response of VegetatiOn Net Primary Productivity to Climatc Change in Buryatiya Republic Russia217
Econonmc-geographical Position of Russia and China as A Precondition for Their EcOnomic Interaction231
Comparative Study on Landscape ConstructiOn and Its Dynamic of Typical City Areas nm Mongolia P1ateau and Transbaikal Region: A Case Study of illaanbaatar Mongolia and illan-UdeRussia237
Analysis of the Current POllution State of Surface and Groundwater in Selenga Delta by Heavy Metals 246
Socially -geographical Risks of Modem Development of Regions of the Asian Part of Russia251
The State of the Mountain Systems of North Asia259
Comprehensive Evaluation of Chinas Water Resources Carrying Capacity277
Institutional Problems of the TransbOundary Cooperation293
Sorne Features of Creation Data Support and Using of Long-term Local-scale Dust Deposition Model297
Contemporary Migration Features of Population in Border Areas of Mongolia and Russia 304
Study on Tourist Resources Development Modes in Lake Baikal Area 308
Analysis of Spatial Pattem in Central Asia Urban Using Remote Sensing and GIS313
A Gradient Analysis of Land Cover Change over the North-Sou Transect of Northeast Asia323
The Baikal Frontier Region: Specificity of Migratory processes333
Hydrochemical Characteristics of the Selenga River338
Organic Agronomy-the Basis of the Ecological Product of Agriculture343
Study of the Land Cover Change and its Tempe:rature Response in North-South Transact of North-east Asia349
Optimization of Sharing and Joint Use of Water ResOurces of Transooundary Rivers of the Central Asia356
Characters of the Tropospheric No Column Densities over the North-South Transect of Northeast Asia during 1996-2009 368
The Comparative Ana1ysis of Regiona1 Socio-economic Development of the Asian Part of Russia Mongolia and China384
Landscape P1annmng as a Tool of Sustainable Regiona1 Developrnent392
The Selenge Partnership Projection Russia401
Geoinfonnation Mapping of the Current State of Forest Vegetation Based on the Data of Remote Sensing and Ground Observations 409
Spatial-tempora1 Variations of Sulfur Dioxide in North-South Transect of Northeast Asia U sing SClAMACHY Satellite Observations during 2004-2010418
Joint Sustainable U se of Forest Resources in the Southem Russian Far East426
Distribution and Sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydroarbons in Lake Gusinoe (Lake Bnmka1 Basin, Russia)433
Intermet Service is to Assess the Environmental Situation in the Kuzbass Mines Closed441
Ecologica1-Econonmic Assessment of the Desertication Consequences in Mongolia445
Interannua1 Variability of Vegetation Inferred from GIMMS Data in Northeast Asia1982-2006454
Study on Middlellong-term Power Demand Probabilistic Forecg nmd Its Application for Beijing City4ω
A Study on the Continuity of Mineral Resources in the Old Industria1 Bases in Northeast china under the Sustainable Development Strategy 468
Ana1ysis of the Occurrence of the Mineral Resources in Northeast Asia479
Thinking of Northeast Asia Regiona1 Government Public Crisis Management: Based on a Comparative Ana1ysis of Dalian Xin Gang and Gulf of Mexico495
Study on IOCSG Based Grassland Classification in Gansu Province503
Human Settlement Assessment Based on Factor Analynms in the Yellow River Basin Towns519
Study on the Index Assessment of Residential Environment in Yellow River Delta527
Economic Situation and Prospects in Siberia and the Far East of Russia537
Role of the Loca1 Conmnmunmty Under the Conditions of Creation of the Specia1 Economic Zone of Tourist-Recreational Type The Baikal Harbour548