發(fā)布者:網(wǎng)上館配會 發(fā)布時間:2021/3/18

This book aims to make the best use of fine-grained smart meter data to process and translate them into actual informatioand incorporated into consumer behavior modeling and distributiosystem operations. It begins with aoverview of recent developments ismart meter data analytics. Since data management is the basis of further smart meter data analytics and its applications, three issues odata management, i.e., data pression, anomaly detection, and data generation, are subsequently studied.
  The following works try to model plex consumer behavior. Specific works include load profiling, patterrecognition, personalized price design, socio-demographic informatioidentification, and household behavior coding. Othis basis, the book extends consumer behavior ispatial and temporal scale. Works such as consumer aggregation, individual load forecasting, and aggregated load forecasting are introduced. We hope this book cainspire readers to define new problems, apply novel methods, and obtaiinteresting results with massive smart meter data or eveother monitoring data ithe power systems.